The Friends of the Reverend Larson Senior Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose purpose is to raise funds to support the Senior Center. Our mission is to perpetuate the dignity and well being of the senior citizens in our community.
Board of Directors
The Friends are made up of a board of directors including a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. In the past, the Friends organization has been very generous in helping the Center with everything from purchasing equipment to sponsoring recreational programs to co-hosting events. The Friends organization is a vital part of the functioning of the Council on Aging (COA).
Who Donates to Friends
Many of our local businesses are generous in providing both cash and in-kind contributions. Your donation may honor the memory of a loved one, be given in celebration of a birthday or other special event, or just to show you care about neighbors in need.
There's Always Room For One More Friend
New members are always welcome. Whether you contribute time, talents or funds, we value your help as we meet the needs of our friends and neighbors. Let us hear from you!
Additional Information
For more information, please call the COA at 774-203-1900.