Educational Programs

Educational Programs

The Attleboro Council on Aging offers a rotating range of educational programs. See our most current newsletter for specific upcoming programs and dates. Below is a sample list of just some of the programs we've hosted in the past or have coming up.

French Group: Join our Club Francaise for a lively discussion with lots of laughter and friendship! 

History Group:  Interested in history? Check out our History Group for a lively discussion. 

Introduction to Computers Class:  Interested in learning how to do basic tasks on a computer? You've come to the right place. Our instructor will teach you all the basics including online safety, setting up an email account, and using search engines to find what you're looking for. Please call 774-203-1904 to sign up. This program is funding in part by a grant from Bristol Elder Services, Inc., through a contract with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs. 

Live & Learn with Jay Elias:  Join Dyer Lake's Jay Elias for interesting and upbeat talks on a wide range of topics designed to enhance your personal wellness and awareness. See our newsletter for each month's topic. Please call 774-203-1904 to reserve your spot. 

One-on-One Smart Phone Training:  Have a new phone (or even an old one!) and can't figure out how to get it to do what you want? Meet with our instructor for a one-on-one session to get the assistance you need. By appointment only. Call 774-203-1904 to reserve a spot. This program is funded in part by a grant from Bristol Elder Services, Inc., through a contract with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs.  

Watercolor Class: Join instructor Ben Macomber for a fun watercolor program. Payment is due in full at the first class. Beginners welcome. 

Writers Workshop: The writing group reads and discusses examples from memoirs/personal essays, does writing exercises, and looks at ways to take stories further. Open to all from absolute beginners to more experienced writers. 

Please refer to newsletter for time, dates and unique offerings of the month.